Grab-N-Go Volunteer Guidelines
Questions About Volunteering?
Thank you for considering a commitment to stock the Community Fridge with grab-n-go items for people living on the streets of Old City!
Please read through the following guidelines before signing up, and feel free to contact Volunteer Coordinator Robin Lasersohn, with questions.
1) Our current priority is stocking the fridge on Mondays (other volunteers already cover Wednesdays). We need 4 individual volunteers or households to sign up. Indicate your preferred Monday/s of the month by completing the form linked below.
Mondays will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. Terry and Robin will contact you to confirm or negotiate your selection. If more than 4 people express interest, we will move on to scheduling another day of the week, TBD.
The initial commitment will be for six months, followed by a check-in and a choice to renew or step down.
Food may be dropped off at any time during the day (Meeting House gates are ordinarily open from 9:00-5:00 and sometimes later. The fridge is located behind the Meeting House.
2) Purchase and prepare foods that are individually wrapped and able to be eaten without utensils or undue messiness. The following is a list of suggested items, but feel free to substitute equivalent foods that are appealing and nutritious:
18 sandwiches - peanut butter & jelly, cheese, or lunch meat – please no veggies or condiments (to prevent sogginess). Consider a non-plastic bag, such as this.
18 pieces of fruit (bananas and clementines are preferred; apples are too hard for many people’s teeth, and other fruits can be messy)
12 packets of trail mix (Trader Joe’s sells bags of individual trail mix packets at a reasonable price)
6 packs of string cheese
At least 6 waters (pint-sized cartons of water are an expensive but plastic-free option)
Optional (because of cost) but popular: 8 yogurt drinks
3) Before placing food in the fridge, remove any food that appears to be too old (e.g. rotting or dried out fruit) and wipe down the fridge (visible food residue and high-touch surfaces, such as drawer pulls and door handle) with sanitizing wipes (eco-friendly preferred, such as these).
4) Place sandwiches on the top or middle shelf, bananas on the bottom shelf, clementines in a drawer, trail mix and cheese (or other snacks) on the top 2 door shelves, and water or other beverages on the bottom door shelf.
5) It’s easy to incorporate the shopping into your weekly trip to the store. Preparing the food and stocking the fridge takes about 30 minutes + any travel time to the Meeting House (you can park in the lot to stock the fridge).
6) Currently, donors to the Community Fridge must cover the costs themselves, and the items listed above cost between $30 - $40 from Trader Joe’s.
Please read through the Grab-N-Go Volunteer guidelines BEFORE signing up.