Visit F.A.Q.
Unfortunately, we are unable to offer parking to our visitors on an individual basis. If you are a large group or school group please contact us for possible parking availability.
If you are a group smaller than 10 people there is no need to book a visit in advance if you are visiting during normal museum hours.
Groups of 10 or more people, school groups of any size, or those with a specific time they would like to visit should fill out our Group Tour Form.
Yes! Arch Street Meeting House is happy to offer our East Room as a lunch space for school groups for an additional $2.00 per student. Use of the East Room is subject to availability and requires a least 2 weeks advance booking to be reserved. Please indicate that you would like to use the lunchroom in your room reservation form.
320 Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106
Ph. (215) 413 - 1804