Your donation will help us create programs at Arch Street Meeting House that share world-changing Quaker principles and actions with local, national, and international audiences. Support us as we share the stories of ordinary people who shaped the American experience in extraordinary ways.
Our staff, board members, volunteers, and many supporters work hard to preserve and interpret Arch Street Meeting House which is a natural platform from which to tell these stories. Please join us in this work.
Make a gift today, and know that you are helping preserve the legacy of Quaker history and action.
Arch Street Meeting House Preservation Trust is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. No goods or services will be provided in exchange for your generous financial donation.
Ways to Give
Donate via credit card today. Click here!
Arch Street Meeting House is now accepting optional automatic recurring monthly/semiannual/annual donations. To enroll in automatic payments*, follow the transaction steps and select the "Make this a _______ donation" checkbox.
*Automatic payments can be canceled or changed at any time.
Make checks payable to “Arch Street Meeting House Preservation Trust” and mail to ATT: Sean Connolly, ASMHPT, 320 Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
Please email Sean Connolly at sconnolly@historicasmh.org or visit Friend’s Fiduciary to learn about how to make a planned gift.