Visitor Code of Conduct


Arch Street Meeting House (ASMH) is an active place of Quaker worship, and we ask that visitors respect the purpose and ethos connected to the property; we encourage you to find a quiet place to yourself to experience the property as Quakers have since 180 4. Please silence your cell phones and other electronic devices while inside the building, and keep conversations at a respectable volume. The building and grounds have historical, cultural, and religious significance, and they should not be desecrated, da maged, or altered. The grounds have been used as a burying place since 1687, the building is 200+ years old, and many of the historic benches are 300+ years old all of which demands a level of respect that is congruent with other historic sites. Theft will not be tolerated, and individuals should additionally act in accordance with federal and local laws.

The site is open to all, and a respectful sharing of spaces and resources is expected. Please refrain from discussing or performing actions or rituals that may be considered culturally offensive. Appropriate personal behavior, decorum, and conduct are required from visitors at all times, which ensures that every visitor has a meaningful experience. ASMH does not allow unwelcome conduct that is connected with a person’s protected status, such as: sexual orientation, color, race, ancestry, religion, culture, national origin, age, ability level, family, or status as a veteran. This includes harassment, language, and other behavior. Any actions that support o r commemorate current or historical hate groups, including propaganda or display of sensitive symbols, are not permitted. This includes any items that contain racial slurs or derogatory language.

We ask that individuals do not bring the following onto the dangerous weapons, open flames (including catering s property: firearms and other sternos), glitter, real flower petals, and confetti. Any vandalism or abuse of materials on site is prohibited, as well as tampering with fire devices, such as fire extinguishers or pull stations. Pets are not permitted anywhere on the property, with the exception of service animals, which are defined as any dog or other animal that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability. The work or tasks performed by a service animal must be directly related to the individual's disability.

ASMH is a drug and smokefree site, and alcohol is only permitted to be consumed in conjunction with formal Rental Agreements made with administrative staff. Smoking is not prohibited on the premises both indoors and outdoors. Being under the influence or possession of drugs is not permitted under any circumstances. If an individual appears to be under the influence of alcohol beyond a reasonable measure, they will be removed from the property.

As a courtesy to others, we ask that visitors ensure that trash makes its way to the proper receptacle, and avoid blocking or obstructing public spaces, including exits, elevators, and stairwells. While ASMH is committed to adhering to Quaker principles that welcome all people to the site, we do ask that loitering be limited and individuals respect the hours that the sit e is open to the public. For your own safety, please be mindful of your location on the property and avoid private areas or places that are indicated as closed. Closed and locked doors and windows should remain as such.

ASMH welcomes photos, but we request that flash not be included when indoors. Such photos should be for personal use only, and any visual documentation of ASMH that is for public advertising should be arranged in advance with ASMH staff. This includes engagement or wedding photo shoots. Individuals pursuing video recordings should similarly contact ASMH staff in advance. Visitors will be asked to leave the property immediately and/or turn over their photos or recordings if they ignore this request.

Visitors should be aware that the ASMH building and grounds are private property. Any behavior that interferes or goes against what is outlined in this document is unacceptable, and ASMH reserves the right to request that individuals not respecting these policies be removed, possibly with police force if necessary.

Arch Street Meeting House reserves the right to delete inappropriate content and/or block any user that does not align with the institution’s mission and social media policy. Inappropriate content includes but is not limited to:

  • Violent, obscene, profane, or hateful comments/links/images; threatening language, harassment, or malicious speech regarding topics of gender, sexual orientation, religion, gender identity, age, ethnic origin or race

  • Comments that threaten the physical or mental safety of any person or organization

  • Solicitations, advertisements, or endorsements of any financial, commercial, or not-for-profit organizations, websites, contests, or promotions

  • Comments that suggest or encourage illegal activity

  • Multiple successive off-topic posts by a single user; repetitive posts copied and pasted or duplicated by single or multiple users

Social media channels and digital platforms are regularly monitored by Arch Street Meeting House staff during museum business hours, excluding holidays. Content shared by users outside of this timeframe will be reviewed as time allows during regular business hours and within a reasonable timeframe. By commenting or engaging with Arch Street Meeting House digital content, users are agreeing to adhere to these community guidelines.

Updated 2022.