

Hello, and welcome to Arch Street Meeting House’s podcast series “Untold Stories in Quaker History”! My name is Denis Long and I am a senior year history major at Rowan University interning with the Meeting House and I am very excited to bring you this new series. This series focuses not just on Quaker history, but rather on the stories that don’t get the spotlight they deserve. These stories are those of trailblazers, those who are unafraid to make a name for themselves for the causes they fight for, to where they surpass the expectations we have of the age they lived in. These stories are also the sides of people we never knew about, whether it be good or bad, proving that history is a multi-dimensional subject.

History is complex, but that is in no way a bad thing. We experience history every day of our lives whether we know it or not, and to learn history is simply to learn who we are as people and how we got to the point we’re at now. There is no such thing as wasted knowledge, and the knowledge that the history we at Arch Street will be presenting to you here will hopefully create a sense of consciousness, or at least a newfound interest in the pasts that define countless individuals today.

Thanks for tuning in and enjoy!


Quakers and the Abolitionist Movement