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Eagles in the Historic District

  • Arch Street Meeting House Preservation Trust 320 Arch Street Philadelphia, PA, 19106 United States (map)

Philadelphia Eagles are soaring to the Super Bowl, and America’s most historic square mile is offering visitors fun ways to celebrate the hometown team, and their namesake’s connection to our nation’s founding.

As the Philadelphia Eagles soar to Super Bowl LIX, you can spot 10 eagles roosting here in America’s most historic square mile. Stop by the Independence Visitor Center, Carpenters' Hall, National Constitution Center, Arch Street Meeting House, African American Museum in Philadelphia or the Betsy Ross House to pick up your scavenger hunt. 

Hint: our hidden eagle is located outdoors on ASMH’s historic grounds, and may be roosting near our stars and stripes!

December 6

Meetinghouse by Candlelight

February 21

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